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Volkswagen Unveils The “Sedric”, It's First Ever Self Driving Car

Monday, 2 October 2017 at 08:55

No TextVolkswagen unveiled its first self-driving concept car at the Geneva Motor Show

Volkswagen unveiled its first self-driving concept car at the Geneva Motor Show this week.

According to VW, the Sedric (the name is an acronym of SElf DRIving Car) is giving a “concrete foretaste” of Level 5 automated driving (the highest stage of automation).

“We are convinced that fully-automated vehicles will make life in our cities better, more eco-friendly and above all safer,” said Matthias Müller, CEO of the Volkswagen Group.

“Sedric gives the first concrete foretaste of that today. Sedric is a trailblazer and idea platform for autonomous driving. Many elements and functions of this concept car will reappear in vehicles from our brands in the coming years.”

Unlike the autonomous vehicles currently being tested on the roads by Uber, Google, Ford, Volvo and others, the Sedric has been designed from the outset to be driverless. As VW says: “The steering wheel, pedals and cockpit are therefore superfluous.”

