Contact Us Today!78% Of Public Support Autonomous Vehicles
Monday, 23 April 2018 at 12:56

78 percent of the public support the idea of autonomous vehicles, according to research by the GATEway Project.
The GATEway project is currently trailing its driverless pod technology in the Greenwich Peninsula.
The results, based on data from 31,000 members of the public, show that there is broad support for the technology, provided driverless vehicles are safe and resistant to cyber attacks. The study was created by a consortium of industry experts, academics and the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Research was conducted by TRL, the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory, the University of Greenwich, Commonplace and the Royal College of Art.
This is just the beginning of the journey towards connected and autonomous vehicles. Thanks to the GATEway Project’s research, the UK is in a prime position to build upon the lessons learned and experienced gained in trialling a whole range of driverless vehicles in urban environments.
Driverless vehicles are a practical solution to delivering safe, clean, accessible and affordable mobility which will be our future transport system.
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