Contact Us Today!Questions To Ask A Courier Service Before Working With Them
Tuesday, 5 February 2019 at 13:19

Did you know the courier service you use can affect the quality of your customer relationships?
Punctuality and first class customer service is key
A sensible human voice answers your call on the first ring, you get the answers to the questions you wanted to ask without being put on hold for half an hour listening to crap music. Your order arrives sooner than expected or a problem is solved really quickly.
All these put a smile on our face and makes us want to use the same company time and again
The importance of customer service questions in the courier industry
You will be speaking a lot with your chosen couriers customer service department to follow up your customer’s orders.
You need to make important decisions on how you want to approach your customer service strategy. Do you want to handle all your customer’s inquiries on their behalf, or do you want to let your customers resolve their own parcel delivery issues with your chosen courier company? This may seem like the easier option to take, but you risk annoying your customers, especially if the courier's customer service department, is not up to scratch.
Remember, customers, demand fast customer service. The quicker their issue is resolved, the more likely customers will rate their service experience as ‘good’. Therefore, whichever method you choose, it’s imperative that you pick couriers with excellent customer service.
Depending on your choice, your choice of courier company can become an asset or a burden.
How do you find out if the courier company's customer service is up to standard?
All couriers will say their customer service is first class, so you may need to do your homework
When choosing your courier service there is more to it than just price and who can deliver the goods the fastest. How they handle all problems will make a huge difference to your business.
How do you find out what kind of service your chosen courier company provides?
Ask the following questions:
- Do your collections take place on time?
- Do your deliveries take place on time?
- How many times do try to deliver your item if there's no one to sign for the consignment?
- How often do unforeseen events or delays occur while your package is in transit?
- Do your deliveries arrive without issues or damages?
- How fast does customer service return your calls?
- Are they knowledgeable about your delivery?
- Do they express concern?
- Check their customer reviews page on their website and interactions with customers on Facebook & Twitter